Monday, March 3, 2014

God Grew Tired of Us

I recently watched a film called "God Grew Tired of Us." This film is about 3 of the lost boys of Sudan. These 3 boys fled their home of Sudan as it was turning into a country of evil and total violence. In Sudan at the time, there was starvation, dehydration and genocidal murder. The lost boys of Sudan got the opportunity to flee to America and be free and safe. In America, the modern conveniences are completely foreign to the boys from third world Sudan. These boys worked multiple jobs to send money back home to their loved ones. This film really inspired me and appealed to me emotionally. I realized that I completely take modern conveniences and luxuries for granted. This film helped me appreciate all that I have. It is so amazing to me that these boys worked so hard just to have money to send to their loved ones. I would highly recomend this film to everyone, as it is a real eye-opener. "God Grew Tired of Us" can be found on hulu.

1 comment:

  1. First off I really like this review, especially the part about working hard to make money to send to loved ones. I thought this was the one of the most inspiring part of the documentary. These boys had finally been given the opportunity to make a new life in America and the ability to make life relatively comfortable. However, they give this up, helping those back home instead of helping themselves. This meant a lot of work and hope that things could get better for them, as well as those at home. This is personally inspires me and makes me want to do more with my time to help others. I also really like how you talk about taking technology for granted. In our everyday lives it is so easy to do this, since it is all around us. However, when we have the chance to look at people who come from somewhere that does not have the same luxuries, it becomes clear how lucky we are. Anyways, that’s all I wanted to say, but thanks again for your viewpoints and review of the movie!
