Monday, March 31, 2014

Ted Talks

So over the past week, I've been listening to podcasts from Ted Talks. I thought they were interesting, so I want to share them with you all.

The first podcast I want to share is about common misconceptions. This hour long segment talked about different things that we think we know are accurate, and how they are actually false. One section of the podcast talked about deserts, and how they can be turned into grasslands. Here is a link, so check it out!

Another podcast that really interested me was about success. Success is something that everyone wants, but many people have no idea what exactly it is or how we can be successful. This Ted radio hour podcast dives into what success is and how we can achieve it. I would highly suggest listening to it! Here is a segment about how drive can make you successful.

The last podcast I want to share with you guys is about privacy. This Ted Radio Hour talks about privacy and if in the future we will have any personal privacy. It also talks about if giving up our privacy is worth it in order to receive protection. Here is a link about the NSA and the danger it poses to United States citizens. I would suggest listening to this very interesting podcast on privacy.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Women of the Mormon Church

So as I stated in my bio, I am a life long member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Many non-members of the church have criticism regarding the fact that women can't hold the priesthood. The priesthood is the power God gives man and is used to perform many sacred ordinances. I have 4 wonderful sisters and an amazing mother that are all very active members of the Church. These women in my life have such an important role that includes being a mother to children. An article written in The New York Times addressed the controversy of the women of the Church not being able to hold the priesthood. The author of the article made it obvious that she was biased, but she did present information that was fair. I think it is great that women are getting increased responsibility and recognition in the Church. I will post the link to the article so you can read it and formulate your own opinions. Feel free to leave any comments to this post.

Thursday, March 6, 2014

Free Speech!

I was reading an article the other day on a trusted website that I visit very often called that I would like to share. The article was about a student at a school in California. Well this student attending Modesto Junior College named Robert Van Tuinen was standing on school grounds passing out copies of the U.S. Constitution. A few officers of the law thought that it would be alright to tell Van Tuinen that he was not allowed to practice his right of free speech. Van Tuinen argued intensively with the officers. Van Tuinen ended up talking with the school superviser and she explained to him that he had to set up an appointment to share the Constitution at a specific location at the school. The school was saying that Van Tuinen was not allowed to talk about and share the Constitution except for in a area of the school that is called the "free speech zone." Van Tuinen understood that this was not lawful of the school to do, and so he took them to court. He ended up receiving a $50,000 settlement from his case. It is ridiculous to me that the school even thought that they had the right to stop Van Tuinen from talking about the Constitution during school. The Constitution is one of the most important documents to ever be written. I applaud Robert Van Tuinen for standing up for what he believes in and challenging the school and the officers.

Monday, March 3, 2014

God Grew Tired of Us

I recently watched a film called "God Grew Tired of Us." This film is about 3 of the lost boys of Sudan. These 3 boys fled their home of Sudan as it was turning into a country of evil and total violence. In Sudan at the time, there was starvation, dehydration and genocidal murder. The lost boys of Sudan got the opportunity to flee to America and be free and safe. In America, the modern conveniences are completely foreign to the boys from third world Sudan. These boys worked multiple jobs to send money back home to their loved ones. This film really inspired me and appealed to me emotionally. I realized that I completely take modern conveniences and luxuries for granted. This film helped me appreciate all that I have. It is so amazing to me that these boys worked so hard just to have money to send to their loved ones. I would highly recomend this film to everyone, as it is a real eye-opener. "God Grew Tired of Us" can be found on hulu.