Thursday, February 6, 2014

What Are You Thinking?

In the recent State of the Union address, as usual, Obama made a lot of promises that he most likely won't keep. Not so surprisingly, Obama made an announcement that he will pass gun control laws with or without Congress. What sounds bad about this you might ask. Well, the fact that the President thinks that he can do whatever he wants really scares me. Obama has gone so power crazy that he has forgotten his limitations as the President of the United States. He is so set on enslaving the people and taking our guns away, that he'll do whatever he can to stop us from having any form of defense. Come on Obama, what are you thinking?

Heres an article I found on Yahoo News that talks about Obama's unconstitutional ways.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for choosing to blog about this topic. I myself am not a fan of Obama. I feel like he is not the man America needs to be President right now. He is not leading the country in a way I think it should be run. I completely agree with what you said in this post. Obama thinking that he can just do whatever he wants scares me too. That is a man getting too powerful and prideful to be making such big decisions for our country. The purpose of our type of government is to prevent one person from getting all the power. And when Obama suggests completely going around Congress, that is unconstitutional. Hopefully we as Americans can recognize this, and prevent Obama from really dragging our country down the toilet, as we just stand by and watch it swirl down.
