Thursday, February 13, 2014


Recently, I was talking on the phone with a friend of mine named Ryan. Ryan devotes his life to politics. Whenever I have a question regarding anything on the subject of politics, Ryan is my man to go to. Ryan is also a fellow libertarian and believes that the only way America should be run is with minimal government. I was able to ask Ryan a few question and gain some insight that I want to share with you all.

Q: So who is your favorite President in American history, and why is he your favorite?
A: Thomas Jefferson is by far my favorite. Jefferson helped establish this country, and he did so on high morals. Jefferson believed in minimal government. A favorite quote of mine is actually by Jefferson. "That government is best which governs least."

Q: What is some thing that has been happening in government today that disgust you or that is problematic?
A: The NSA spying scandal has really bothered me. The fact that the government feels the need to keep tabs on the private lives of the citizens is really wrong. In fact, this conversation is probably being recorded and flagged. The government does not like us as citizens speaking out against them, which makes it that much more important to do. 

Q: What is your thoughts on the government trying to take away our guns?
A: Personally, I own 3 guns. I own a rifle for hunting, and two personal hand guns. My rifle is so I can get my own food, and my hand guns are for personal protection. If I could, I would have assault rifles to protect myself and my family from our government. It is only a matter of time before the government becomes even more aggressive than they already are. All around the nation, people are being victimized and treated wrongly by officials in the government, mainly in law enforcement. It is extremely important to be able to protect yourself in cases such as these.

Ryan and I talked for a while longer, but this is the most important part of our conversation. I want to thank Ryan for talking to me and letting me interview him.

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