Friday, February 28, 2014


So for the purpose of this blog, I am going to assume that you have never heard of Edward Snowden. Snowden is a 30 year old man who worked at the NSA data center. The NSA data center is located in Bluffdale, Utah. At the data center, the NSA collects mass amounts of data on United States citizens. The NSA has been spying on U.S. citizens through means such as phones and computers. Edward Snowden exposed the NSA for their unconstitutional ways of "protecting the country." It is crazy to me to think that the NSA thinks that they have the right to spy on the average citizen. Snowden admitted to having the right to tap anyone’s phone or computer­, including the President’s or other high-ranking officials. In an interview, Snowden expressed how he knew blowing the whistle would endanger his life forever.

 “In a world where I would not be restricted from killing an American, I personally would go and kill him myself,” a current NSA analyst told BuzzFeed. “A lot of people share this sentiment.”

One Pentagon official said, “I would love to put a bullet in his head. I do not take pleasure in taking another human beings life, having to do it in uniform, but he is single-handedly the greatest traitor in American history.”

The fact that such high-ranking officials in our government want Snowden dead because he opened his mouth about an unconstitutional issue is totally absurd and very disturbing. A defense contractor in our government told BuzzFeed, “Most everyone I talk to says he needs to be tried and hung, forget the trial and just hang him.” So not only do government officials want to kill Snowden for doing the right thing, they want to do so without a trial. Snowden has been hopping around the world, living in any country that will grant him asylum so he can be protected from the government. Edward Snowden is truly an American hero.

Here is an interview with Edward Snowden:


Johnson, Benny. "America’s Spies Want Edward Snowden Dead." BuzzFeed. N.p., 16 Jan. 2014. Web. 27 Feb. 2014. <>.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Ron Paul

So you guys may remember Ron Paul. Ron Paul was a candidate for the President of the United States in 2012. Paul also served in the Senate, representing Texas. Ron Paul has been a hero of mine as we share similar political view points. Ron Paul is a Libertarian and so he believes in limited government. Paul is a major critic of the Federal Government's fiscal policies. Paul is especially a critic of the Federal Reserve. Paul has many book out that I have read, including End the Fed and Liberty Defined. A favorite quote of mine comes from Ron Paul: "There is only one kind of freedom and that's individual liberty. Our lives come from our creator and our liberty comes from our creator. It has nothing to do with government granting it." I would highly suggest learning more about Ron Paul and reading his amazing books. I would highly suggest learning more about Ron Paul and reading his amazing books.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


Recently, I was talking on the phone with a friend of mine named Ryan. Ryan devotes his life to politics. Whenever I have a question regarding anything on the subject of politics, Ryan is my man to go to. Ryan is also a fellow libertarian and believes that the only way America should be run is with minimal government. I was able to ask Ryan a few question and gain some insight that I want to share with you all.

Q: So who is your favorite President in American history, and why is he your favorite?
A: Thomas Jefferson is by far my favorite. Jefferson helped establish this country, and he did so on high morals. Jefferson believed in minimal government. A favorite quote of mine is actually by Jefferson. "That government is best which governs least."

Q: What is some thing that has been happening in government today that disgust you or that is problematic?
A: The NSA spying scandal has really bothered me. The fact that the government feels the need to keep tabs on the private lives of the citizens is really wrong. In fact, this conversation is probably being recorded and flagged. The government does not like us as citizens speaking out against them, which makes it that much more important to do. 

Q: What is your thoughts on the government trying to take away our guns?
A: Personally, I own 3 guns. I own a rifle for hunting, and two personal hand guns. My rifle is so I can get my own food, and my hand guns are for personal protection. If I could, I would have assault rifles to protect myself and my family from our government. It is only a matter of time before the government becomes even more aggressive than they already are. All around the nation, people are being victimized and treated wrongly by officials in the government, mainly in law enforcement. It is extremely important to be able to protect yourself in cases such as these.

Ryan and I talked for a while longer, but this is the most important part of our conversation. I want to thank Ryan for talking to me and letting me interview him.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

What Are You Thinking?

In the recent State of the Union address, as usual, Obama made a lot of promises that he most likely won't keep. Not so surprisingly, Obama made an announcement that he will pass gun control laws with or without Congress. What sounds bad about this you might ask. Well, the fact that the President thinks that he can do whatever he wants really scares me. Obama has gone so power crazy that he has forgotten his limitations as the President of the United States. He is so set on enslaving the people and taking our guns away, that he'll do whatever he can to stop us from having any form of defense. Come on Obama, what are you thinking?

Heres an article I found on Yahoo News that talks about Obama's unconstitutional ways.

Monday, February 3, 2014

"Waste Land"

Recently I watched a documentary called "Waste Land." In this documentary, Vik Muniz who is considered one of the greatest contemporary artists in the world, decided to go to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In Rio, he went to the biggest landfill in the world called Jardim Gramacho. This documentary follow Muniz as he tours this massive landfill. The landfill is filled with pickers. Pickers are people who roam the landfill, collecting recyclable materials. The pickers who are shown in this documentary are very poor people who live in the favelas. These people collect recyclable materials to sustain their families. Muniz becomes friends with a few of the pickers. To help the struggling people of Rio, Muniz uses his talent to make massive portraits of the pickers, using recyclable materials. Muniz then takes photos of these gigantic portraits and sells them. Muniz gives all of the profit from the art to the pickers association. The documentary follows the different pickers and sows the different struggles that each one is going through. All of the pickers live in such unfair conditions, and it is really great for Muniz to make an effort to bring them cheer, hope and opportunity. This documentary really opened my eyes to the conditions that people live in. I often take all the conveniences around me for granted. I would highly suggest watching this documentary because it will really open your eyes.