Friday, January 31, 2014

Why Controlling Guns is Impractical

You’re at home all alone: your family went on vacation to Hawaii but you stayed behind due to work. The clock is approaching midnight as you are brushing your teeth. You hear some glass shatter downstairs—you glance at the big gun safe across the hall. There’s only one slight problem... since the government confiscated all firearms, the safe is empty. But there’s no need to worry. Since the government collected ALL the firearms, you’re not too threatened by the intruder.  You go downstairs to approach the intruder. Another problem has arisen; he pulls out a gun and ends your life. As a citizen of the United States of America, this situation is my worst fear.
With public shootings that have been happening across the nation, there is a fiery debate going on about whether or not guns need to be more controlled and even not available to citizens. Should the government be allowed to take a citizen’s personal protection? Guns provide protection for one’s self, family, and property. Because of increasing violence in society, we as citizens of the United States should be guaranteed a form of protection with firearms.
What the Government seems to not understand is that citizens have the right to own firearms. The Second Amendment to the Constitution states, “…the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” Our founding fathers knew that a society where the people cannot be guaranteed a form of protection would be a chaotic and dangerous. Not only do guns protect citizens from other dangerous citizens seeking to harm others, but guns provide protection from a possible tyrannical government. American Patriot George Mason said, “To disarm the people is the most effectual way to enslave them.”
What makes a criminal a criminal? Criminals do not follow laws. If the government bans guns, they can certainly not expect the dangerous gangsters and thugs to willingly hand over their weapons. So by putting a ban on guns, what the government is really doing is disarming the law-abiding citizens and keeping guns in the hands of those who are dangerous. While the Government says that will make society safer, it really makes society significantly more dangerous due to the fact that citizens have no effective way of defense. If criminals know that the everyday citizen is not wielded with a gun, then what will stop them from committing more and more crime? There are always stories flooding in about times when someone wielding a firearm has saved either themself, their family or their property, often times all three. Even if the gun is not fired at the dangerous suspect, it scares them away. As a country, we pride ourselves in our liberty for all people. Liberty is defined as “freedom from arbitrary or despotic government or control.” How are we free if we can’t even effectively protect ourselves? Benjamin Franklin once said, “Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
As citizens of the great United States of America, it is our duty to

 stand up to those who would try to take away our freedom and 

liberty. The nation needs people to stand up and say that they are 

not going to watch as their liberty is taken from them. If the 

government takes our guns, where will it stop? There are many 

ways to lessen the amount of gun related incidents, but taking the 

guns from the law-abiding citizens is not one.     


  1. Matt, you totally nailed it. I could not agree with you more. What people seem to miss when talk about gun control laws is that they are LAWS. Exactly like you said, criminals by definition break laws. The cliche "guns don't kill people, people kill people" may be over used, but it is accurate. Let's be completely honest, if someone wants to murder or harm another person, and for some reason they don't have access to a firearm, there's no shortages of knives or even a shovel. No person intent on harming another says simply "oh, I don't have a gun, so I guess I'll just give up." My main point is that guns are merely a means to commit crime, much like knives or other objects. What's the government going to do next, ban baseball bats? It's simply irrational to disarm law abiding citizens and to leave them defenseless against dangerous people. Keep it up Matt, I love what you have to say.

  2. This is such a great point. Most people focus on gun control and they think that that will fix the problem. In reality it is people who kill people, not guns killing people. In almost every case of a shooting an untreated mental illness is mentioned. I think that if better mental health was instituted that many of these problems would be solved. People would no longer irrationally use weapons. Stability is the key to having a safe society. If someone is so determined to harm another person they will find some way to do it, whether they find a gun or not. Anything can be used as a weapon. Love what you have to say about this! I wish that more people could focus on solving these problems in a more practical and efficient way. Thanks for posting this.
